Короткий опис(реферат):
Екскурсійні послуги є неодмінним складником туристичного продукту, виконуючи в процесі його реалізації надзвичайно важливу роль. Екскурсійна діяльність сприяє багатогранному розвитку людей, громад і суспільств, позитивно сприяючи, зокрема, на освіту й навчання, культурні обміни, особистий розвиток, соціальні
зв'язки, охорону довкілля, громадську активність та добробут. Використовуючи можливості наочного навчання та дослідження, екскурсії сприяють створенню більш освіченого, взаємопов'язаного та стійкого світу = Excursion services are an integral part of the tourism product, playing a significant role in the process of its
implementation. Sightseeing activities contribute to the multifaceted development of individuals, communities, and
societies, positively influencing, in particular, education and training, cultural exchanges, personal development,
social connections, environmental protection, civic engagement, and well-being. Through experiential learning and
exploration, field trips contribute to a more educated, interconnected, and sustainable world. The research article
reveals the peculiarities of the transformation of the excursion services market in Lviv, one of Ukraine's largest tourist
centers, after martial law's introduction. Changes in the volume and structure of the tourism services market have
been identified. It has significantly shrunk, both the market of producers and the market of consumers, the number of
tourist and excursion companies, individual entrepreneurs – specialists in tourist support, who have moved to other
areas of economic activity, left the region or country or were mobilized, has decreased. A change in the structure
of consumers of excursion services has been identified. The share of foreign tourists has decreased significantly,
while the importance of residents interested in the history of their city, as well as internally displaced persons, has
increased. Mainly for them, new excursion routes have been created that geographically cover the development
areas of the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Among the traditional products, the most popular ones, related to visiting the most famous monuments of Lviv's architects, remain and are concentrated in
the central part of Lviv. Several thematic tours have also been preserved, which are well-known in Ukraine and the
world and are an element of the city's tourism brand. These include tours related to the stages of Lviv's historical
development, the ethnic communities that lived in the city, as well as tours that reveal the gastronomic delights of
Lviv, tours for children, “romantic” tours, etc. The pricing policy of developers and sellers of excursion products takes
into account the new realities. The average price of a sightseeing product has decreased, and the lower price limit
has dropped. New social excursion products for Ukrainian soldiers undergoing rehabilitation have appeared.