Короткий опис(реферат):
In recent years, there has been a scientific interest in healthy nutrition, namely the development and
consumption of products. which have a beneficial effect on the human body and can reduce the risk of
various diseases. The work aimed to investigate the change in the quality of sour milk curds with candied
fruit and dry licorice root during storage. The research was carried out at the Ivano-Frankivsk DP, as well
as in the laboratory of the Department of Technology of Milk and Dairy Products of the Stepan Gzhytskyi
National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv. When determining the titrated acidity
in curds with candied fruit without licorice root during the storage period at a temperature of 4 ± 2 °C, it
increases from 200 °T to 230 °T. In sour milk curds with candied fruit and dry licorice root, the titrated
acidity on the first day of storage was 220 °C T, and on the fifth day – 230 °T. Since, according to the
standard, fermented milk curds with candied fruit can be stored for no more than 3 days, based on the
conducted research, we conclude that the newly made curds are entirely safe for consumption during the
above period. Analyzing the microbiological indicators of newly created sour milk curds with candied fruit
and dry licorice root, we can conclude that this product is harmless to health, as its sanitary condition
meets the standard's requirements. Thus, using dry licorice root in producing sour milk curds with candied
fruit as a non-dairy additive does not impair the microbiological indicators of this type of curd.